
Cahuita: Life on the Caribbean Coast


I turned 30 today right here overlooking the Caribbean Sea. It was the perfect place to welcome my third decade. Happy birthday to me! After staying in San Jose with my friend Liza, my beautiful boyfriend flew out from New York to celebrate with me.  Wanting a nice romantic beach location, I scanned my guidebook for ideas. We ended up  taking a bus to the town of Cahuita nestled right on the Caribbean coast.

Cahuita, an English-speaking enclave of people, descendants of Jamaicans brought to Costa Rica as laborers, was truly a laid back and cool place. The people were so friendly and chill, I felt like I was in the Caribbean.

We stayed in a little backpackers bungalow right on the beach. A row of hammocks was set up right outside of our door overlooking the ocean. Every night, we were lulled to sleep by the sound of the ocean waves.  I opene the door in the morning to an exquisite view of the Caribbean Sea.

In the bungalow next door, is a couple from Australia. We buddied up for a few days playing dominoes like the locals (everywhere we went, men sat out with a bottle of beer and a game of dominoes), eating (I wasn't too impressed with the food), snorkeling (watch out for the sea urchins) and grabbing drinks at local dive establishments.

Cahuita has a reputation for being dangerous. People in San Jose were constantly warning me about the dangers on the other side of the country. I found the exact opposite. People were extremely friendly and welcoming. I believe that common sense is always a persons best guide.

Cahuita Photo Gallery: