DIY Hand Sanitizer

DIY Hand Sanitizer: Clean hands on the go without the harsh chemicals!


DIY Hand Sanitizer: Clean hands on the go without the harsh chemicals! The idea of hand sanitizer is fantastic. No water, no soap, clean hands with a squeeze and ta-da, you're ready to go.

The reality of store bought hand sanitizer is not as fantastic. Yes, you'll have germ free hands, which is the main idea, but the chemicals used to kill those germs also kill the good bacteria and lead to the development of uber-resistant bacteria that eventually will be impossible to kill- yuck!

So what is a person on the go to do?

Make your own hand sanitizer, without the harsh chemicals.

DIY hand sanitizer is extremely easy and quick to whip up and will leave your hands clean and refreshed without the use of harsh chemicals like triclosan and triclocarban (scary endocrine disruptors that can lead to hormonal changes and disturb your thyroid function).

So here it is, for your hand sanitizing pleasure, a quick, easy way to sanitize your hands.

My recipe for a DIY Hand Sanitizer: Clean hands on the go without the harsh chemicals!

Here's what you need to do:

In a bottle of your choice combine 60% rubbing (Isopropyl) alcohol and 40% aloe gel.

20140726-172944.jpg Shake this mixture vigorously to mix the aloe and alcohol.

Add ten to twenty drops of tea-tree essential oil and 5-10 drops of peppermint essential oil.


Shake again and ta-da!

This blend is light, refreshing, and not at all sticky. Store in a cool dry place for best results.

Note: You will most likely have to shake before each use.

Making this sanitizer couldn't be easier and is a great product to pop into your purse or your child's backpack.