
Touring Osaka? Visit the Museum of Housing and Living

One of the coolest museums I’ve ever been to is the Osaka Museum of Housing and  Living. When it comes to interactive historical and cultural fun, this is one museum that does not disappoint.


It’s like stepping through time! I always loved the life-sized dioramas of native people at natural history museums when I was a child. At the Osaka Museum of Housing and Living, they take it one step further. The glass is removed and you are allowed to become part of the exhibit as you learn about the history of Japan from the ancient Edo period to the more contemporary Showa period.


There are no “Don’t Touch” signs, you get to touch and interact and experience Japanese culture first hand. You even get to play dress-up! It was kind of like playing in a life-sized doll house set in ancient Japan. It really was the coolest experience.

Even Mr. Cool Austere Jazz musician can't help but smile.

No kimono for Ohm. He was too little. They do carry toddler and children's sizes though.

If you find yourself in Osaka, you've got to visit this museum!


6-4-20 Tenjinbashi Kita-ku


admission ¥600


10am-5pm Wed-Mon



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The Hep Five Ferris Wheel of Osaka Japan

Who doesn’t love a giant bright red ferris wheel in the center of a busy shopping center? Instant fun. Instant serenity. An instant glimpse of a magnificent city from a vantage point usually reserved for the birds. The Hep Five Ferris Wheel was one mighty red machine.


Ohm decided that he'd rather take a nap than join in on the fun.

Osaka was very hazy that day.

But you get the main idea.

The view on the Hep Five Ferris Wheel was pretty amazing.

Still sleeping

You could even see the mountains far in the distance.

Awake to enjoy the last five minutes!

*Note: There is a Bose i-phone dock attached to the window, so you can spend your twenty minutes in air being serenaded by your music of choice. The Japanese, truly think of everything when it comes to comfort.

The Hep Fiver Ferris Wheel is a wonderful way to see Osaka!

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Visiting Osaka, Japan

After being in Tokyo for three weeks, I must admit, Osaka was a breath of fresh air. Osaka just seemed to fit. The city felt down to earth, it was tangible, it possessed the refreshing quality of feeling, for lack of a better word- real. People moved slower, the large neon chain stores of Tokyo made way for smaller, more traditional quaint ones, the prices were much more reasonable, the food options vast and delicious, and for the first time, in a long time, I saw children and babies and couples; balance it seemed, had been restored.

  Ohm was charmed by all of the bright colors.

I thought this was so beautiful. It's a menu. There were so many signs and posts written on wood in black ink. Some had illustrations, others were plain. Simply lovely.

Lanterns lit the night. Okay, lanterns and street lamps and signs. But the lanterns are a wonderful touch.

                                                  Saki barrels

                   Ohm, all dressed up and ready for the Imperial court

                                My kimono looks lovely- no?

                          And yes, poor Mark was coerced into participating in this lovely family photo shoot. Say SAKI!

                         This restaurant building made me smile.

Octopus balls, also known as Takoyaki  - the delicacy of Osaka

                                  Learning to walk in the park

           This was a large indoor marketplace. It had so many twists and turns.

                                 The HEP Five Ferris Wheel!


                                Osaka was very rainy.

                I spent a lot of time seeking shelter under bridges and overpasses.

                   Mark and Ohm meandering in the rain.

         A traditional food stall, where a group of elderly locals sat eating food and playing games.

So many restaurants to choose from. This restaurant was tasty, but the menu was not in English. We sat, pointed and hoped for the best. It was a win!

*Side note: Osaka has AMAZING street food! Point and chew. Get on in there!


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