
Surprise Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies


Whether you like it or not, the holiday season is now in full swing and after the year that we’ve had, we can all use a bit of sweetness in our lives.

The recipe I’m about to share below is truly phenomenal. I’m not just saying this because it’s mine, it’s really, truly, delicious. The cookies that will result, are the most undercover vegan chocolate chip cookies I’ve ever had.

If you’ve tried vegan baking, you know what I mean. There’s often a xylitol aftertaste and gummy consistency to vegan baked goods. I personally am not a fan and when I made the commitment to go vegan, I also made the commitment to continue to enjoy my food and treats to the fullest- especially during holiday season.

This recipe is kid and non-vegan folks tested. It is also has some other surprise bonuses, the cookies are lower on the glycemic index and free of processed, refined sugars - woot!


So here you go, Sojourner’s “Surprise Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies.” This recipe was cross adapted from The Joy of Cooking and The Pioneer Woman and sprinkled with some Ayurvedic and vegan magic dust.

Surprise Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookies


Here’s What You’ll Need:

1 cup vegan butter (Mykonos brand is my favorite! It’s buttery tasting and soy free)

1 cup firmly packed brown sugar

1/2 cup date sugar

Vegan flax eggs (2 tablespoons ground flax + 5 tablespoons room temperature water/ stir to combine and set aside for 10 minutes until it congeals forming an egg-like consistency).

3 teaspoons pure vanilla extract

2 1/4 cups all purpose flour

1 teaspoon baking soda

1 teaspoon finely ground pink Himalayan salt

1 1/2 cups vegan chocolate chips (I like the Enjoy Life brand)

Here’s What To Do:

1) Preheat your oven to 375 degrees F

2) In a small bowl, combine the following ingredients: melted butter, brown sugar, date sugar, flax eggs and vanilla extract. Blend thoroughly and set this bowl aside.

3) In a large bowl, combine the following ingredients: flour, baking soda and salt. Make sure the baking soda is evenly distributed.

4) Add the wet ingredients from the small bowl to the dry ingredients in the large bowl.

5) Add the chocolate chips and mix thoroughly.


6) If you are working with a non-stick baking tray, add a layer of parchment paper or aluminum foil brushed lightly with coconut or olive oil.

7) Depending upon the size of cookie that you prefer, use either a teaspoon or a tablespoon to drop the batter onto the sheet. Make sure to space out the batter because the cookies will spread.


8) If you have any left over dough, you can roll it in parchment or wax paper and freeze for later.


9) Bake for 10-12 minutes and then set out to cool before serving.


10) ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!
